Pinpoint the Exact Ending Price of Any Auction Before it Ends

We have some exciting news to share about a new breakthrough technology we have developed!

Check out our latest press release and discuss below:

Listia Develops Technology to Predict the Ending Price of Auctions 


MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA /PRNewswire/ — Listia Inc., the world’s largest online trading marketplace, today announced that it has developed a new algorithm that accurately predicts the future ending price of any online auction.

As the fastest-growing trading marketplace on mobile and web, Listia has become the go-to resource for users who want to trade-in unwanted items for spendable credits. Credits can then be applied to any item posted on Listia, allowing users to acquire items they actually need and want, from the latest gadgets to jewelry, gaming systems to baby clothes.

“Our users were tired of trying to win Listia auctions without knowing what the ending price would be, so we worked hard over the last year to develop the world’s first future-price-prediction engine,” said Gee Chuang, CEO of Listia. “The average home in America is riddled with over $7,000 in unused stuff, so we’re thrilled to help people leverage that value to get things they actually want. Now, instead of ‘sniping’ at the last second, our new feature will allow people to simply ‘know’ how much to bid without having to compete with anyone.”

The feature will be rolled out slowly to a group of beta users as a Listia Perk over the next 48 months and is expected to be fully available on April 1, 2034. Users can activate the feature for a small fee.

About Listia

Listia is a trading marketplace that helps anyone turn their unwanted clutter into things they want and need, all for free. Founded in 2009, Listia is headquartered in the heart of Mountain View, CA and is backed by General Catalyst, Andreessen Horowitz, SV Angel, Y Combinator and others. For more information, visit Download Listia’s mobile app for both iPhone and Android devices.


Edit (4/2/14): Hope everyone enjoyed our April Fool’s joke 🙂 Thanks from all of us at Listia!



  1. “is expected to be fully available on April 1, 2034”. -Oh, that means my grandchildren can use it!
    “Now, instead of ‘sniping’ at the last second, our new feature will allow people to simply ‘know’ how much to bid without having to *compete with anyone*.”- And there I was thinking all the time that that was the fun of an auction. 😦

    • agreed 😦 now it’s just gunna be people waiting til the end and have alarms set on there phone so they don’t miss out 😦

    • Dumb-0 !
      Did you not see the calender ?
      Or, notice the date on your newspaper – or, at least on the mobile phone ?

      TODAY happens to be FOOLS’ DAY !! Listia Team “Got YOU !” right-n-proper.

      Kudos to Team Listia !

      Sanjeev Suri from INDIA

      • Not fair. Here where I live it was still March 31 and I was not thinking about april 1 fools yet! Should have send it when it was April 1 in the whole entire USA. For me you were a day early. Or……..did I really got to bed that late???

      • lol that was the first thing I thought when I read this

      • When I read it it was just a couple of minutes after march 31. I didn’t realize it was that late (or early) I went to bed at 12:30. If I had read it this morning …well, maybe I would be so bright to have gotten it. It is a good one for sure! They got me.

      • That WAS AWESOME!!!! They surely got me. I kept thinking 2034…dang, that’s a long time. Never even thought of today! GREAT JOB!!!! (And thanks for the badge. NOW, I feel like I earned it! smile!)

    • Haha-I forgot that it was April Fools!!! I need to think of ways to get my Family. As far as the prediction it seems every 1,500 credits = $1 you need to add in some depreciation and there is your new algorithm 🙂 ~Ambran

    • Do ya’ll really believe that listia is a mind reader??I cant believe someone fell for this joke! HAHAHA can you tell me what stocks to buy on the stock market to so I can become a billionaire?? lol

      • Of course that can happen when you are almost falling asleep and you think it is still March 31. Don’t expect me to think clearly at that time.
        On another note: I do not understand why people do not leave feedback. Is it so much trouble to do that? I think it is impolite. Just click that positive button when you got the item and are happy with it.

    • I thought it was a April fools thing lol

  2. Oh my a physic bot….lol

  3. Kelsey may says:

    lol happy April fools 🙂

  4. EliteGamer44 says:

    Why is it going to take 20 yrs. to be fully available to all? If thats the case why announce it now? Might as well wait til 2033 or 2034 to announce it.

    • Why we wasting out time on this? I must say this because you could have the same of an item ok but one is different in color the one will go higher in credits over most others of the same item because of the color is more in style or whatever!……. The other thing is I so sick of hearing about is, how it is free when you still paying shipping to ship out, or in at times we pay for both in and out!! why we not fixing that problem some how???!! The other problem in New People to listia have no respect twards us older people that been their a while also.

      • got that right about shipping

      • I agree, I am going broke offering free shipping. I hate to ask for it, but with the bids getting lower and lower, I just can’t afford to ship something that brings in 250 credits and pay $3.50 to ship it. Lynn

      • I can very well understand that people can not afford the shipping costs anymore. I only joint listia a couple of months ago and I spend hundreds of dollars on shipping already. So I made it a rule for myself that I can only bid on items with free shipping. In that way I pay for someone else’s shipping but someone else pays for mine. That evens out.

    • I wanted to put I agree with you but I ended up putting something else in the wrong place sorry about that!

      • Everything is going up! Like you said I stay away from ones who ask for shipping the best I can. I spent over 1,000 dollars shipping well should say my Husband did but I still pay for it in other ways. I think the Post office should come out with a Gift Card I see other people putting up gift card on stores and fast food places why not gift cards on Post Office… I did win some forever stamps but that’s only good for mailing small envelops if you know what I mean. If you have a lot of items like me the price adds up real quick on out of pocket $ money. Then to get nice starting bid Listia charges you credits to add that to an auction and if you go too high no one even bothers to bid. I send more packages then envelops. Yeah listia is good in some ways. I just wish some how we could get more help on the mailing of items so its not always out of pocket money we needs to buy food for our family. People taking my comments wrong is not helping matters either. I do ❤ love listia also but think of the reality of it! I have a whole house full of items to mail out I will have to leave my house because prices on everything is going up. This is no ones fault but the way things are right now. my point is think of how much money that will cost to mail all them big items out. Lets not forget the post office people make a lot of money working for the government. People are out of jobs and some how that is ok with everyone and please don't tell me to go get one. If it was as simple as walking into a job site and saying "Hello I am new to be working here!" we all would have a job! This message was not intended to be taken as a negative on anyone and should not be taken as I am mad I just saying look at the reality of it! We can joke about things ok but I look at the bigger picture here and not only am I trying to help myself out I am also trying to help everyone else out!! Like it said in listia No Nasty Comments to them people who like to keep talking nasty to me. We all happy about an April fools joke and losing reality of what is really needs to change then we can sit around and lol till it hurts because then their will be no room to complain! Remember me when the changes take place!

    • Dumb-0 !
      Did you not see the calender ?
      Or, notice the date on your newspaper – or, at least on the mobile phone ?

      TODAY happens to be FOOLS’ DAY !! Listia Team “Got YOU !” right-n-proper.

      Kudos to Team Listia !

      Sanjeev Suri from INDIA

    • Come on guys even if it’s not April fools yet in your area, it says won’t be available till April 1st 2034 that day would be April fools still 20 years from now.. not to mention it would be impossible to calculate what an individual is thinking of bidding and it’s 11:22pm here I’m 9 months pregnant, exhausted with back pains..

  5. Quah zelene says:

    Lol is this an april fool joke? >< nice idea though 🙂

  6. rowlena says:

    APRIL FOOLS! Naw but if this is for real I want it.

  7. Happy April fools day!

  8. GarnetDragon says:

    well, 2034…that’s useful…if I can get my stuff to make it an age of antiques…goodness how outdated my video game consoles will be by then…

  9. Why we wasting out time on this? I must say this because you could have the same of an item ok but one is different in color the one will go higher in credits over most others of the same item because of the color is more in style or whatever!……. The other thing is I so sick of hearing about is, how it is free when you still paying shipping to ship out, or in at times we pay for both in and out!! why we not fixing that problem some how???!! The other problem is New People to listia have no respect twards us older people that been their a while also.

    • I agree with you 100% That’s what they need to fix and why is the listia credits so high. My God 40 dollar for 24000 credits is a joke by itself. You can get nothing good with 24000 credits. With the 40 dollar you have gave them you could go and buy what ever you are trying to win.

      • oh yeah they really opened a can of warms with me on here I tell them like it is on every subject none stop since been here! I sure I did not get to them all yet lol or said everything I wanted to say yet I can not think of everything all at once. But I totally agree it is listia what they needs with credits??? They Run the whole site. They needs to hire me on listia I get the ball rolling.

      • Veronica says:

        I agree. The credit prices are A JOKE!!!!

  10. Oh wow replied to some one with the wrong thing Sorry about that their is no Delete anywhere like face book!

    • I don’t think they would hire you since you can’t put together a sentence without a grammatical error, let alone a whole paragraph. Also, you believed that this story is real and not an April Fool’s joke. And how would Listia solve the shipping costs? There is no way that they could do so logistically or financially. It is still, in essence, free in theory. Just a few thoughts for you 🙂

      • Wow! I am tired and I am only human if I was perfect all the time I would not be human either I would be some kind of God or Devil! I was up all night watching auctions going off while you point out everyone flaws! I am sure you have some of your own also! Don’t be so quick to put other people down you sound like a kid!! I never claimed to be perfect!!!

  11. This has got to be a joke HAPPY APRIL FOOL DAY!!!

  12. April Fools! 😀

  13. Good stuff, listia! With this exclusive technology, I’m shocked that you haven’t been bought out by a corporate giant yet. Nice work! 🙂

  14. It’s an April Fools joke! You guys taking this seriously are either really tired or really gullible, haha.

  15. phillip says:

    lame idea listia takes care of the newbies more then the trusted sellers on here…

  16. phillip says:

    aprils fools, lol you said be ready in 48 months then you said 2034 good try but i figured it out

    we need more perks such as a perk that blocks not verified people from trusted sellers auctions

    perk as in stay negative free earn 100,000 credits a month free from listia

    perk that no newbie can bid until they have feedback positive feedback

    perk that newbie should have to wait 20 days before bidding on anything

    • good ideas. The really honest hard working people who want to make listia a success will not be put off by having to wait 20 days- newbies have to wait to get their credits so why not wait to bid? You have to earn stuff. It shouldn’t be taken for granted.

      • I just discovered that people who HAVE money can BUY credits w/o earning them. This goes against what I thought listia was. I am disappointed. Please drop down and read my post on ‘BUYING CREDITS”

    • crystaldyck1 says:

      Really guys this is not EBay. It’s credits you can earn them by watching videos, come on. I think it’s an awesome site, there is no other site you can go to sit and watch stupid videos and laugh to earn credits, or you know fill out surveys and stuff but the point is it’s actually a lot of fun as well as you can get rid of your stuff you need to get rid of, and really complaining about shipping costs, why don’t you go down and take it up with your postal office. That would be the only way to get around that, As for the April Fools joke, ha ha it was good better than what I did to my teenager this morning. Also if you pay for your credits and earn them and you earn your badges why on earth would you wait to bid, if the “newbies” have the credits than why can’t they bid, it’s almost like telling a child they can’t play with a new toy, ya ok more perks would be great but gee how much more do you want it’s not like you pay from your credit card every time you win something. The stuff your bidding on are things that people have sitting around in there house would you rather let it sit there and collect dust.

      • Who do you think came up with that idea to watch movies for credits? I did its on a site I go on. So I came up with the idea for listia. The other thing is when you bid on something it might tie up your credits if they never fallowed throw with their auction and want a refund that’s what they was talking about. Who wants to sell and item(s) without credits? I mean it maybe sitting around the house collecting dust but you are still paying to mail the items with cash and also bought the item with cash in less you won it off of listia. If you want to mail all your items to me free of all credits and money for shipping fees be my guest I will mail you my house address so you can do so. I highly doubt you will do that all the time if at all. That was my point! If their is room to in prove on something or problem salving why not?? Nothing will ever be perfect ok but if we can change something for the better why not???

      • Please go down a little and read my post on ‘buying credits.”

  17. Tonya Slaughter says:

    Can anyone say APRIL FOOLS!? Lol. Good luck listia

  18. hahahaha i hope this is a joke if not ill try this out when im 54 years old

  19. Ouch! OK im a NEWBIE and all I have done on this site I have done by my self so I have gotten where I am on my OWNE!

    I LOVE LISTIA and I think that’s a Great Idea no matter how long it takes! 🙂

  20. Has to be an April fools thing, where is the fun in knowing what the auction will end at, but guessing that is what they want us to like about it.

    • I am really tired I have no sleep since yesterday I been up on listia still on I am addicted and waiting for auctions I watching to go off wishing the house would clean itself!! :O 😀 I do this like every day wait for something I really want to end way late in the say am afraid I will miss it if I go to sleep and then I am pissed when waking up having to log on quick hoping I no miss it! Oh I almost Forgot April Fools day but everything I said was not a joke of the day it is true

      • I am SO with you here!
        Happy April Fools Day to all my fellow Listians addicts 🙂

  21. I am really tired I have no sleep since yesterday I been up on listia still on I am addicted and waiting for auctions I watching to go off wishing the house would clean itself!! :O 😀 I do this like every day wait for something I really want to end way late in the say am afraid I will miss it if I go to sleep and then I am pissed when waking up having to log on quick hoping I no miss it! Oh I almost Forgot April Fools day but everything I said was not a joke of the day it is true

  22. Happy April Fools Day FOOL!!!! I bet you feel like a dumb fool now don’t you?!!! Fool soon the way things are it will be called FOOD Day not Fools Day!! lol as Mr. T would say ok Fool!!!

    • You fell for the joke, so I don’t know who you are referring to. I did not point out everyone’s flaws; just yours because I could barely read your run-on sentences with incorrect word choices. Rather, I was defending Listia and explaining why you haven’t been taken seriously in any of your pleas or suggestions to the management team:
      1. They are dumb
      2. They are incoherent
      A little grammar goes a long ways 🙂

    • Why are you so mad? You don’t have to be on the site! I have been a member for years and when I have a problem, they help me! It’s an April fools joke!

      • First of all, how do you know whether I am a teacher or not. Second, you could follow the same grammar advice I had given (aren’t, not ain’t) 🙂

      • Wow not so tough here please. English is my second language. Should I not “say” anything because I had to LEARN english as an adult and may never be perfect in speaking or writing it?

  23. LOL! I already have access to it. It’s called “Get It Now”


  24. Nice one guys. =) lol

  25. LOL….The comments on here made my Day….APRIL FOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. LOL

  26. Nice one Listia! Nothing like a Listia Worth Point huh… LOL. Such a funny bunch of kidders! Happy April Fools Guys!!! Lol, feel free to stop on by! Hugs from Sherri Shops A Lot

  27. Jessica says:

    hahah April fools XD

  28. Sabrina says:

    lol Happy April Fools Day!!!

  29. I Call *** BS *** , LOL !!! APRIL FOOLS JOKE , and there are plenty of morons who will believe this !!! NICE TRY THOUGH , LOL , APRIL 1st 2034 , LMAO !!!

  30. Not fair. Here where I live it was still March 31 and I was not thinking about april 1 fools yet! Should have send it when it was April 1 in the whole entire USA. For me you were a day early.

  31. Well played! Here I was, all excited about a new “game”…yep, you got me!

  32. I would just like to say that it sounds to me like those of you Listians who are ALLOWING these auctions to RULE your lives, it is not unlike a Gambling Addiction and you may want/need to seek HELP!
    For the rest of us who are NOT losing sleep or having an emotional crisis upon losing an auction, please continue having FUN!
    Thank you Listia for the FABULOUS site…and FANTASTICAL joke!
    HAPPY APRIL FOOL’S DAY to all my FABULOUS Listians!!!

    • I have to admit, I am totally addicted to listia and for me it is a good thing that I can only do listia for 6 months out of the year. By the time summer is over and I have kicked off I start al over again in October. I need help 😦

  33. April Fools 🙂

  34. Richelle says:

    Wow. Happy April Fools Day to everyone. Some people are so serious! It would be a neat idea but wouldn’t be fair to everyone. The credit prices are a joke, but It better to earn the credits. To buy the credits is just if you are a tiny bit off from what you want and you can buy them as a “just in case” A few months ago, when I first started on Listia, it was 1500 credits for $5.00 and 20,000 for $40. Now it’s a little better, 2500 for $5 and so on.

    • I don’t think “BUYING” credits should be allowed. People WITH money always get what they want anyway. Why should they have that advantage on this website when they can just go out and BUY the item in real stores. I am disabled and this site allows me to obtain stuff I can’t afford. But the HAVES can still outbid us HAVE-NOTS if they can use their money (which I DON’T have) to out bid us/me. Buying CREDITS is NOT what I thought LISTIA stood for…giving every one an even chance….now?? “OH, I don’t have enough credits (because I didn’t auction anything this week) to buy this x-box and ‘member’ has outbid me, I’ll just go and buy more credits.” I CAN’T DO THAT and I work hard selling items so I CAN have a budget outside of my meager Disability , to bid on items I normally can’t have…or obtain!

  35. LOL, had me going for a bit also till I rememebered todays date! Good one Listia!! Still love ya 🙂

  36. Thanks for my smile 🙂

  37. shelleyndennison says:

    April fools

  38. Thanks for offering the perk Listia! Woo Hoo! got 4 listings with no sweat!


  40. Scooter0164 says:

    why would a compay pull an april fools joke??? it is in very bad taste either way.

    • Chill out. Life’s way too short to get upset over this. It’s hilarious! Sounds like they got you. 😉

      • LOL , who are you people and where are you from , cause it is obviously not from planet earth . What because I made a simple statement that I call B.S. – is that what you people think it means to be and or get upset , lol , c’mon , really !!! If you actually read the statement you would have seen I put *** LOL – FOR LAUGH OUT LOUD – & – LMAO for LAUGH MY A** OFF *** Get a Life People , I thought this was an excellant *** APRIL FOOL’S JOKE *** – & – *** Very Funny *** and that is the only reason I wrote a comment !!! Anyone who is telling me to Chill Out and Why Would they play an April Fools Joke on everyone , you are the FOOLS they were directing this *** APRIL FOOLS JOKE ON *** LMAO !!! SO STOP TRYING TO GET A RISE OUT OF ME , LOL , CAUSE FOOLS LIKE YOU ONLY MAKE ME LAUGH !!!

      • Yea…my comment wasn’t directed towards you. It was to anyone who took this seriously. 🙂 Listia is a fun site. Why would they not do an April Fool’s joke? Other companies did it. Some people are too uptight.

      • Got me before I said, WAIT…I LOVE a GOOD JOKE…Good job, listia.


    • LOL , who are you people and where are you from , cause it is obviously not from planet earth . What because I made a simple statement that I call B.S. – is that what you people think it means to be and or get upset , lol , c’mon , really !!! If you actually read the statement you would have seen I put *** LOL – FOR LAUGH OUT LOUD – & – LMAO for LAUGH MY A** OFF *** Get a Life People , I thought this was an excellant *** APRIL FOOL’S JOKE *** – & – *** Very Funny *** and that is the only reason I wrote a comment !!! Anyone who is telling me to Chill Out and Why Would they play an April Fools Joke on everyone , you are the FOOLS they were directing this *** APRIL FOOLS JOKE ON *** LMAO !!! SO STOP TRYING TO GET A RISE OUT OF ME , LOL , CAUSE FOOLS LIKE YOU ONLY MAKE ME LAUGH !!!

  41. Lets get going on the XP Rewards Program, we keep hearing how you are coming up with a new way to reward us , but never hear anything new. You also approached me about being a Listia Perks Beta Member, sent the required stuff, and never heard from you, and this was not submitted on Aprils Fool Day either. Hope the XP Rewards Program idea comes out quickly. I am looking forward to what you come up with.

  42. GOOD ONE! LOL!

  43. Now this is one of the best April Fools jokes I’ve seen in awhile!! Go Listia.
    April 1st of 2034! Number one, many of us will be dead and gone; and number two, who would want to wait that long for a new program?

  44. Yea this almost got me, then I thought about it a minute and said “aaaahhh April Fools!” Good one!

  45. Heather says:

    Happy April fools day. Fools.

  46. Why can we not delete something on here?? Some one likes to keep badgering me and keeping it up!! This is to be Fun not freaking annoying!!! Grow up listia or get out everything is not about me or you!! Sick of this badgering people all the time!!

  47. Maria1069 says:

    Haha, Nice April Fools Listia 😉

  48. Gee, I’ll be so happy to use it, I’ll clap my 78 year old fingers together….if I am able. Maybe Listia should announce it a ‘little’ closer to the expected USER date. OH, OH, there goes my listia all-star nomination again….APRIL FOOLS’ !!!

  49. I thought, “But bidding is what LISTIA IS….” Nice trick. Here I thought , well, Listia has a new (dum-de-dum-dumb) CEO! WHEW!

  50. this is not related to april fools but does anyone else think listia needs to set some rules on newbies I mean I know how it is to start out but seems like everytime theres an auction that everyone wants like dre beats or a laptop these always seem to be unverified new people with no info I know I have been dooped a few times already just getting to be a bit much I think

  51. Haha


  53. Great April Fool’s Day gag!! Lol Thanks for the free giggles!! Some people are sooooo gullible! =)

  54. This is a test this is only a test :p

  55. honestly it’s what I would expect for a second rate EBAY!

  56. janet funartt says:

    Do not list more items than you can afford to ship each week.
    List small items which brings small shipping cost.
    This is a fun site….
    I figure i buy only free shipping so i sell with free shipping sounds fair to me.

  57. Actually when someone doesn’t know then its up to other
    visitors that they will help, so here it takes place.

  58. What linbartieg knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.

  59. Well, duhhhhhhh. I fell for it too. It made me mad to think that Listia would tell people HOW TO WIN–no doubt about it—–everybody else will win everything and all the fun will be gone. Something else “bit the dust”!!!! Well, I was made a fool of but this is one time that I don’t mind, I am SO GLAD that it was a joke. Thanks for not taking away our fun!!!

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  1. […] April 1, 2014 by listia 61 Comments […]

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    Pinpoint the Exact Ending Price of Any Auction Before it Ends – The Listia Blog

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    Pinpoint the Exact Ending Price of Any Auction Before it Ends – The Listia Blog

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    Pinpoint the Exact Ending Price of Any Auction Before it Ends – The Listia Blog

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    Pinpoint the Exact Ending Price of Any Auction Before it Ends – The Listia Blog

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